Main Services
Patent Searches
Collection Services
Landspacing                                                                                                                                                    STOCK IMAGE HERE
Infringement Reviews
Invalidity Review
Examination Review
Accelerated Exam Review
 *** dear designer. please make the items above a hyperlink to a pop-up window with 1 paragraph of text. The exact text has not been decided yet
*** also if possible we would like a stock image on the right side of the screen here


Area’s of Expertise
The Intentus Group’s main services expertise include the following:
Medical Devices
Life Sciences                                                                                                                                                            STOCK IMAGE HERE
*** dear designer. please make the items above a hyperlink to a pop-up window with 1 paragraph of text. The exact text has not been decided yet
*** also if possible we would like another  stock image on the right side of the screen here